Factors Associated with Self-Esteem among Undergraduate Students of Pokhara Metropolitan, Nepal: A Cross-sectional Study

Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Factors Associated, Self-concept, Self-esteem, Undergraduate Students, Nepal


Background: Self-esteem is an overall subjective evaluation of one’s worth or value which encompasses the positive or negative orientation or beliefs towards oneself. Self-esteem has established itself as an important psychological factor contributing to health and quality of life. Thus, this study aimed at understanding the factors influencing the level of self-esteem among the undergraduate students and its correlation with depression, anxiety and stress symptoms experienced by the students.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 618 randomly sampled undergraduates from different academic institutions of Pokhara Metropolitan. We used Rosenberg self-esteem scale to assess the level of self-esteem and DASS-21 to assess the level of depression, anxiety, and stress. The collected data was analyzed
using SPSS statistical software. The chi-squire test, binary logistic regression and Pearson correlation analysis were performed to establish the relationship between variables at the level of significance, p<0.05.
Results: More than three-forth (75.7%) of the students were found to have a normal level of self-esteem while around one-fifth (21.4%) of the students had low self-esteem. There was no statistical relationship established between students’ academic discipline and their self-esteem. However, students’ academic performance, family history of any psychological distress and their perceived level of social support were the major influencing factors associated with their self-esteem at p<0.001. Based on Pearson correlation analysis, self-esteem was
negatively correlated with depression, anxiety and stress at p<0.01.
Conclusion: The students’ level of perceived social support, family history of psychological disorder and academic performance are statistically associated with student’s level of self-esteem. Furthermore, there existed a negative correlation between self-esteem and depression, anxiety and stress experienced by the
students. Thus, strategies aimed to increase students’ level of perceived social support and self-esteem can reduce their risks of acquiring any mental health problems in near future.


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How to Cite
Paudel S, Adhikari C, Chalise A, Gautam H. Factors Associated with Self-Esteem among Undergraduate Students of Pokhara Metropolitan, Nepal: A Cross-sectional Study. Europasian J Med Sci. [Internet]. 2020Dec.9 [cited 2024May16];2(2):43-0. Available from: https://www.europasianjournals.org/ejms/index.php/ejms/article/view/189