Feedbacks, Complaints and Appeals

The authors, reviewers, and readers are requested to send their feedback, comments, and suggestions to the editorial office of the Journal. EJMS welcome feedback from readers and authors to improve the publication process. If you want to make an appeal against our editorial decision, please email us at stating the details reasons why you think the decision from the editorial office should be reconsidered. Please note that the editorial decisions once made are final and can not be revoked but you may be asked to resubmit the manuscript with or without additional revision if deemed appropriate.

Any sort of problem or issue or complaints can be directly communicated to editor-in-chief via this email: All concerns raised will be fully investigated following the relevant COPE guidelines. We try to solve the conflict internally after discussing it in the editorial meetings of the journal. If any conflict can not be solved internally, we will refered to COPE(Commettee of Publication Ethics) for counsel and their suggestion will be followed strictly.